Division for Early Warning of Diseases and Pests

1. Duties and responsibilities of the Division for Early Warning of Diseases and Pests are:

1.1.     Preparing strategic plans for early warning about diseases and pests;

1.2.     Follows up diseases and pests in the entire Vineyard Region of the Republic of Kosovo;

1.3.     Collects data and systemises them, notifies farmers, companies and scientific institutions;

1.4.     Coordinates and cooperates with the institutions from the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning MESP respectively the Hydrometeorology Institute of Kosovo;

1.5.     Prepares and distributes reports on appearance of the diseases and pests and submits them to the interested parties;

1.6.     Creates conditions for training and human capacity enhancement in identification, early warning about diseases and pests;

1.7.     Along with the other departments of the Ministry works on drafting information materials.

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